What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the longest standing treatments in holistic healthcare. It originated in China, where bamboo needles were inserted into the body at specific points. Now a days we use single-use, sterile needles made of surgical steel but use the same principles of diagnosis and treatment to encourage your Qi (energy) flow to promote the bodies own healing response.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture works on a principle of meridians or channels running through your body. If the channels become ‘unbalanced’ then the flow of Qi is disturbed, resulting in disease and illness. Inserting needles into certain acu-points can re-align the meridians reducing any symptoms that may have been present.
There is another more western explanation, of that, when acupuncture needles are inserted they stimulate the surrounding cells to produce an endorphin response, which is the bodies natural painkiller.
There is another more western explanation, of that, when acupuncture needles are inserted they stimulate the surrounding cells to produce an endorphin response, which is the bodies natural painkiller.
Does It Hurt?
Acupuncture is NOT like having your blood taken, the needles we use are very fine and the majority of patients never even feel them go in. Some patients do report a ‘sensation’ that can feel ‘heavy, warm or a bit tingly’ around the needle site, but report it isn't an unpleasant feeling.
Where Do The Needles Go?
The needle sites will vary depending on the symptoms you present with. Most sessions include needles being put into your hands and legs, but we will never needle anywhere you feel uncomfortable with.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Acupuncture is a very safe treatment and there are very few side effects with treatment. Side effects include sleepiness or tiredness after treatment, and bleeding / bruising when the needle is taken out.